Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thinking of Mary

Last year was my first Christmas as a mother. It was the first year that I truly experienced Christmas through the eyes of Mary. Throughout the Christmas season I thought about her often. What was it like being the mother of Jesus? I can't even imagine what she must have felt ...from the time the angel appeared to her, to the birth in the stable, all the way to his death on the cross and seeing him resurrected. This year, again, I find myself thinking of her. Today I listened to audio recordings taken from Shawn Small's book Via Advent (You can find these at if you are interested). In one of the recordings I listened to it talked about how Mary waited for Joseph to come and get her and take her home to be his wife. It said that the bride did not know when the bridegroom would come. Curious about the marriage customs during this time, I did some reading. One of the articles I read can be found here... Another recording talked about Joseph as he prepared the room for him and Mary to live in at his father's house. He was excited as he thought about the upcoming wedding celebration and about bringing Mary home to be his wife. It made me think back to being engaged. What a great time in my life! Preparing to be a bride is so exciting! During Mary and Joseph's betrothal is when an angel appeared to Mary to tell her that she was to become pregnant with the son of the Most High. I'm sure that's not what she had been planning for and dreaming of. But she was the Lord's servant and said to the angel "May it be to me as you have said." (Luke 1:38 NIV). My heart is heavy as I think about how she must have felt. God's people had been awaiting the coming of the Messiah, but did no one ever imagined that He would come as a baby. How would it feel to know that over all other women you were chosen to bear God's son? I wonder, "Who is this woman and what did she do to find such favor with the Lord?" How would it all effect her relationship with Joseph and their plans to be married? And yet, she surrendered to the Father's plan for her life. I am reminded of how sometimes in life we have to surrender the plans we have made for ourselves to the Lord and do what He has called us to do. We have to put all trust in Him. Mary had great faith and put her trust in the Lord. Being a mother is such a great responsibility. You have to take care for your child, provide for them, love them and teach them to love others. I imagine that just as this was a blessing to Mary, it was also at times a heavy weight to carry. She was going to be the mother of the son of God, the Messiah, the King of Kings. There is a song that Faith Hill sings called "A Baby Changes Everything." I cried the first time I heard this song.. and the second time, and the third! The song says: "Teenage girl, much too young, Unprepared for what's to come. A baby changes everything. Not a ring on her hand. All her dreams and all her plans, A baby changes everything. A baby changes everything! The man she loves, she's never touched. How will she keep his trust? A baby changes everything. A baby changes everything! And she cries! Ooh, she cries Ooh, oh She has to leave, go far away, Heaven knows she can't stay! A baby changes everything. She can feel it's coming soon. There's no place, there's no room A baby changes everything! A baby changes everything. And she cries! And she cries! Oh, she cries Shepherds all gather 'round. Up above the star shines down! A baby changes everything Choir of angels sing, Glory to the newborn King. A baby changes everything, A baby changes everything Everything, everything, everything Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah My whole life has turned around. I was lost but now I'm found! A baby changes everything, yeah A baby changes everything" And He did. That baby changed everything! I love this song. Two other songs that talk about Mary are the famous "Mary Did You Know?" and "Breathe of Heaven" by Amy Grant. The songs says, "I have traveled many moonless nights Cold and weary with a babe inside And I wonder what I've done Holy Father, You have come And chosen me now to carry Your Son I am waiting in a silent prayer I am frightened by the load I bear In a world as cold as stone Must I walk this path alone? Be with me now, be with me now Breath of Heaven, hold me together Be forever near me, breath of Heaven Breath of Heaven, lighten my darkness Pour over me Your holiness for You are holy Breath of Heaven Do you wonder as you watch my face If a wiser one should have had my place? But I offer all I am For the mercy of Your plan Help me be strong, help me be, help me Breath of Heaven, hold me together Be forever near me, breath of Heaven Breath of Heaven, lighten my darkness Pour over me Your holiness for You are holy Breath of Heaven, hold me together Be forever near me, breath of Heaven Breath of Heaven, lighten my darkness Pour over me Your holiness for You are holy Breath of Heaven, breath of Heaven Breath of Heaven" Both of these songs really just put me in Mary's shoes. Again, I imagine how she must have felt. Oh dear Mary.

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