Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Being Vulnerable

I have so much stored up inside of me. Sometimes I share, but only with those closest to me, like my husband, Leonard, or my best friends, Angela and Jeremy. Sharing with others outside of my circle would require vulnerability, which is not one of my strengths. I think I often care too much about what people will think or say. Recently I find myself lying awake at night consumed by my thoughts. Some of them deep...others random. Today I thought to myself, "I need an outlet." So here I am, attempting once again to blog. This is mostly for me to be able to express myself, but I thought I would be vulnerable and write for the rest of the world to see the real me. I'm not the best at putting my thoughts into words, but I will do my best. Here you may find things that I would not normally share. Some of my deepest thoughts and feelings. You may find things that I won't talk about face to face. You may find me discussing topics I am passionate about. More than anything, I would like to be vulnerable and share with the world my testimony, who Jesus is to me, where my walk with Him has taken me, and what He is doing in my life right now. And so I found it fitting to call this blog "A Window Into My Soul."

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