Thursday, December 20, 2012

Journey to the Gates of Heaven

One week after getting 2 positive pregnancy tests, I had some bad cramps and then a day later started a very heavy period. I never got the chance to go to the doctor to confirm being pregnant, but we believe that I was and that I miscarried. I know that life did not belong to me. It belonged to the Lord and was his to take. So we were sad for a day or two, but didn't have much trouble with accepting and being okay with what had happened. Shortly after this happened I had a dream about it. I opened my eyes to see two figures standing over my bed. It was dark and I couldn't quite make out who was standing there looking down at me. There was a light that was fading in and out. I was frightened at first, until the two figures moved forward in to the shining light. I only got a short glimpse of the figures as the light came up and faded out again. Though I could not see much, it was enough to realize who stood before me. No words were ever exchanged, but all of my initial fears were removed as the Holy Spirit within me revealed that these were angels sent from the Lord. I looked down and noticed a pack around my waist. Somehow I knew this pack held and protected the soul of my unborn child. At that time I realized that I was sleeping. I sat up and left my body behind. As I took a hold of the pack and stood up, the two figures turned and faced the wall of my bedroom. The wall opened up to reveal a very long hallway that extended from my room. As the angels left and began moving down this hallway I knew I was to follow. Though no words were ever exchanged between myself and these two heavenly creatures, I knew exactly why they had come to me. They were sent by the Lord to guide me in taking my child to gates of Heaven. And so I left my bedroom behind as I began to follow the angels down this seemingly never ending hallway. The further we walked the brighter the light fading in and out became. Each time the light came up I got a look at the creatures guiding me. Walking behind them I couldn't see much other than their wings that swayed back and forth with every step. They were large, extending from their backs and reaching almost to the floor. I never did get a good look at the front of their bodies or at their faces. I held on tightly to my little pack as we continued walking. When we reached the end of the hallway we turned the corner. There to the right was a set of double doors. As they opened automatically the two angels stepped into what looked like a large elevator. It was dark inside. I followed, still holding tightly the pack around my waist that held my child. The doors closed behind me. We went down, over, and then traveled upward for a while. This was obviously no ordinary elevator. As it came to a stop, the doors opened and the two angels parted. The held out their arms out pointing the way for me. This was the part of the journey I was to complete on my own. I stepped off of the elevator into a magnificent room with dim lighting, vaulted ceilings, several large columns, and many doors. Across the room I saw a figure much larger that the two who had led me to this place. It's wings were massive, open, and extended towards the heavens. One would think that I might have been frightened, but I was not. My soul felt nothing but peace. The holy spirit within me led across the room towards this figure. I then knew what I was there to do. The angel held out his arms. I took the pack from around my waist. I said goodbye as I handed it over to the angel before me. I had a very brief moment of sadness that was quickly abolished by great feelings of peace, love for my child, and great joy in knowing that my baby would soon be in the arms of Jesus. The angel held tightly to my little pack. He wrapped his mighty wings around his body to cover and protect the pack. I smiled knowing that my journey was coming to an end. I walked back across the room to where I had stepped off the elevator. The double doors appeared and opened. I stepped back on to the elevator where the angel guides were waiting for me. The doors closed slowly behind me. I turned just in time to see a very bright light coming from an overhead doorway. It shone down on the angel. I somehow knew the gates of Heaven were on the other side. With his wings still wrapped around my little pack, he spread out a second pair of wings. There was a great rush of wind as he lifted himself up toward the light. The doors closed and the elevator began to move. I closed my eyes, and the next thing I know I was back in my bedroom. I saw my body still laying there in the bed. I laid back down and went to sleep. Then I awoke with a pleasant, peaceful, calm feeling in my heart that could only have come from Lord. Someday in Heaven, I will meet my little baby. Of this I am sure.

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