Thursday, December 20, 2012

Glory Baby

A couple of months ago I miscarried. I had taken tests at home and got two positive results. We had not had a chance to go to the doctor to confirm, and then a week later I had some bad cramping followed by a very heavy period. When I took the first test it was a surprise. We were not ready for a baby and did not plan for that to happen, but we decided to be excited about it! We knew we just needed to trust the Lord and rely on His provision for our family. When this happened I was only about a month and a half along. Just the night before Leonard and I were laying in the bed looking through a list of baby names we both liked. Naturally, we were a little disappointed. We were sad about it, but we knew it was for the best because we were not ready for another baby yet. We put it in to the Lord's hands. After all, the little life belonged to Him anyway, not to us. We have a child in Heaven that we will someday meet. That alone in comforting. It reminds me of the song "Glory Baby" by Watermark. The Song says, "You were growing, what happened dear? You disappeared on us Heaven will hold you before we do, Heaven will keep you safe until we're home with you... Until we're home with you... (Chorus)Miss you everyday, Miss you in every way, But we know there's a Day when we will hold you, We will hold you. You'll kiss our tears away. When we're home to stay. Can't wait for the day when we will see you, We will see you. But baby let sweet Jesus hold you 'till mom and dad can hold you... You'll just have heaven before we do. You'll just have heaven before we do. Sweet little babies, it's hard to Understand it 'cause we're hurting, We are hurting. But there is healing, And we know we're stronger people through the growing And in knowing- That all things work together for our good And God works His purposes just like He said He would... Just like He said He would... (repeat chorus)BRIDGE: I can't imagine heaven's lullabies And what they must sound like. But I will rest in knowing, heaven is your home, And it's all you'll ever know...all you'll ever know." Then to comfort me even more so, I had a dream that I carried my baby to the gates of Heaven. (which you can read in my next post). You know, I always thought if this ever happened to me I would be sad and depressed for a long time. I know many women experience depression following a miscarriage, and I think that is completely understandable. I also know that I'm glad I didn't go through that. It feels so good when I am able to just give something up to the Lord, fully trust in Him and rest in knowing that He is Sovereign.

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